PF will never get the kind of votes it got in the 2011 general elections- Saunders

Dante Saunders
Dante Saunders
Dante Saunders

A political Analyst Dante Saunders has projected that the Patriotic Front (PF) government will never get the kind of votes it got in 2011 general elections.

Mr. Saunders says this is because the citizens were expectant of seeing change in the PF government after raising prudent points in opposition, but to no avail.

Mr. Saunders has also observed that the ruling PF is allegedly spending too much energy on issues that are not helping the citizenry thereby failing to govern the Nation as per it 2011 campaign promises.

Mr. Saunders has advised that the PF should concentrate on trying to run the affairs of the Nation as per promises if it is to re-gain the confidence of the people in the country.