LUSAKA, 16TH May 2018.The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has partially lifted with immediate effect the suspension of the Road Service license (RSL) for Juldan Motors Bus Services.
This follows a report on the inspection that was carried out by the Agency in respect of the operator’s fleet and the re-test of its drivers.
In a letter dated 15th May 2018 signed by the RTSA Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Zindaba Soko the Agency has stated that it has observed that Juldan Motors bus services has met some of the conditions that were set in a letter dated 30th April 2018 wherein the Road Service license was suspended.
The RTSA has said that in view of the commitments that Juldan Motor Bus Services has made to fully implement the Fleet Safety Management Policy, the Agency has decided to grant the operator a partial reinstatement of the Road Service license no. 0174866 (together with all the variations thereto).
The RTSA has partially lifted the suspension subject to the following conditions:
1. The partial reinstatement of the road service license is only in respect of the forty six (46) buses that have so far passed the roadworthiness inspection tests as well as sixty two (62) drivers who have passed the driving tests.
2. The operator will permit officers of the Agency and any other person authorized by the Agency to carry out random and monthly inspections of its operations to monitor compliance with the Fleet Safety Management Policy.
3. The operator will be required to provide the Agency with weekly Global Positing System (GPS) reports to verify which buses are moving.
4. The operator will ensure that any additions to its fleet for approval should be in form of written communication.
5. Further, the operator does not use any vehicle or driver that is not authorized in accordance with the RTSA approved list of buses and drivers, failure to which the operator risks having their Road Service license (RSL) revoked forthwith.
The operator’s Road Service License was suspended on 26th April 2018 following a number of accidents recorded by the operator; among them, a Juldan Motors bus, Scania Marco polo registration number ALF 6760 which was Lusaka bound that was involved in an accident in Serenje near Kanona area, in which 1 person died and 31 were injured On 3rd November 2017.
Another bus registration number ALR 811, South Africa bound was involved in an accident in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, 1 person died and 33 were injured on 29th March 2018.
And within a space of 4 days another accident involving Juldan Motors bus services claimed 4 lives with several injuries which occurred along Kasama-Luwingu road.
In light of the highlighted incidents, the RTSA decided to evoke section 108 (16) of the Act which states as follows:
“A road service license may be revoked or suspended in whole or in part or its terms or conditions may be varied by the Director on the ground that any condition subject to which the license or a variation was granted has not been complied with.”
“Provided that the Director shall not revoke, suspend or in terms of this subsection, vary such a license unless owing to the frequency of breach of conditions on the part of the license holder or to the breach having been committed willfully, or to the danger to the public involved in the breach, the Director is satisfied that the license should be revoked.”
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