I honestly want to do politics of issues but I have joined a political environment where politics has been polluted with character assassination. Slander, insults, violence and all sorts of malice is the order of the day.
Objectively speaking, this kind of politics is characterized by the PF and the UPND, but let’s face it, the latter are the worst and they do it with impunity. They have no consideration whatsoever.
UPND have actually engaged a batch of people to just scandalize their opponents. All they do is think of bad things to do or say about others.
Look at how many people have been a victims of these online media, compromised journalists like Kaseba and cadres. The situation is almost out of control.
Anyone who opposes the UPND becomes a target of the arsenal of insults and scandelization. Not even the President is spared from their malice. This is not acceptable.
From my point of view, the UPND do all the evil in the name of their leader HH, otherwise he would stop it. HH never condemns his cadres from the evil they do because he is full of the same evil.
I, therefore, make no apologies to HH for telling him that he is full of evil in himself, because the man would help in bringing sanity in the Country.
This is why I doubt the peace process being propagated by the commonwealth, if it is not just to help him advance his chances of winning an election in 2021. How can a person committed to reconciliation be issuing inflammatory statement against the person he wants to reconcile with.
I am sorry to those of you who think I am being too hard on HH and UPND, but before you talk about me, look at the evil being done by the UPND.
I am therefore ready to go to court and tell the Judge the malice and evil of the UPND and HH, so that they can know that their way of doing politics is not acceptable. Our Country cannot be held at ransom by UPND and HH regardless of whatever power they may have. I will fight evil wherever it resides.