466 Mukula laden trucks impounded

Mukula tree timber
Mukula tree timber

Lands Minister Jean Kapata has disclosed that 466 trucks carrying Mukula logs suspected to have been illegally harvest have been intercepted and impounded from February to May this year.

Delivering a ministerial statement to parliament today on the progress made in curbing the indiscriminate cutting of indigenous trees especially Mukula, Ms Kapata says between 24th April, 2017 and 23rd May, 2017, the Central Joint Operations Committee together with officers from her ministry, Zambia Revenue Authority and the Drug Enforcement Commission conducted a verification exercise aimed at ascertaining whether the impounded trucks had legal documentation to transit through Zambia.


She says the verJeanification exercise revealed that 272 trucks had the necessary documentation, while 194 did not have all the necessary documentation

She states that all the 272 trucks carrying timber logs which have legal documentation to transit through Zambia are being released and allowed to proceed to their respective destinations.

Ms Kapata says 194 trucks carrying timber logs not supported with legal documentation will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Laws of Zambia.

Meanwhile, the Minister has told parliament that her ministry is in the process of revising the Forests Act No.4 of 2015 of the Laws of Zambia to stiffen penalties relating to illegal harvesting and trading in Zambia’s forests.