Zambia is Naked due to Corruption of which is killing Democracy

Brown C. Kapika
Brown C. Kapika

Zambia has been made naked because of the high level of corruption, and the big challenge is that many political leaders are have been engaged in some non-stop corruption practices and always got away with their heavy crimes because of the rotten system within Judiciary of the Country. The Moderator noted that political corruption in Zambia had taken such firm root and become so pervasive in all sectors of the nation’s socio-economic and political life that making it difficult for the nation to make headway in its development effort, and as long as the canker thrived, the country’s development would continue to struggle.

“Corruption diverts resources from the poor to the rich, increases the cost of running businesses, distorts public expenditures and deters foreign investors…it is a major barrier to sound and equitable development”

Eliminating corruption should be a central policy goal of policymakers around Zambia. It is known that Zambia political corruption is a barrier to economic development because it increases the costs and risk of business activity, and deters investment. The Cancer of Corruption it is a theoretical mechanism connecting corruption and poverty, and who suffers are the people of Zambia, and therefore.

Not surprisingly, the international financial institutions have weighed in. The World Bank has made “good governance” a major thrust of its work, asserting that the “World Bank Group focus on governance and anticorruption (GAC) follows from its mandate to reduce poverty — a capable and accountable state creates opportunities for poor people, provides better services, and improves development outcomes.” Because it erodes trust in government, Zambia political corruption must certainly be condemned and corrupt officials resolutely prosecuted. Corruption also weakens the moral bonds of civil society on which democratic practices and processes rest.

The Zambian political corruption-causes-poverty narrative and has become so hegemonic that it has often marginalized policy issues from political discourse. This narrative appeals to the elite and middle class, which dominate the shaping of public opinion. It’s also a safe language of political competition among politicians. Political leaders can deploy accusations of corruption against one another for electoral effect without resorting to the destabilizing discourse of class. And yet this narrative of corruption has increasingly less appeal for the poorer classes across the Nation.

The case of the Zambia’s since 1991 illustrates the greater explanatory power of the “wrong-policy narrative” than the corruption narrative. According to an ahistorical narrative, massive corruption suffocated the promise of the post- late Fredrick Chiluba democratic republic. In contrast, the wrong-policy narrative locates the key causes of Zambia underdevelopment and poverty in historical events and developments.

The complex of policies that pushed the Zambians into the economic quagmire over the last 15 years can be summed up by a formidable term: structural adjustment. Also known as neoliberal restructuring, it involves prioritizing debt repayment, conservative macroeconomic management, huge cutbacks in government spending, trade and financial liberalization, privatization and deregulation, and export-oriented production. Structural adjustment came to the Zambians courtesy of the World Bank, the IMF, and the World Trade Organization (WTO), but local technocrats and economists internalized and disseminated the doctrine.

Late Patrick Mwanawasa was personally honest — indeed the epitome of non-corruption — and his contribution to the reestablishment of democracy was indispensable. But his acceptance of the IMF’s demand to prioritize debt repayment over development brought about a decade of stagnation and continuing poverty.

Corruption is man-made or man driven. The ‘sacred cow’ syndrome must be totally eliminated in Zambia. Nobody is above the law. Political Corruption in Zambia is the master key to injustice. It allows innocent citizens jailed, while despicable criminals fill seats of authority. Judges serve not justice but deliberate according to the price offered. Police are bought as well as all security apparatus. Drugs and weapons are stored in ministerial offices and residence and in many times under the bed of presidency itself. No nation can prosper nor enjoy persistent peace without eradicating corruption. It is a slow killer but surely a killer that misses no target, as the target is so big to miss. It aims the entire nation of Zambia.

Democracy as a safeguard of human rights can function, where rule of law prevails. That guarantee is non-existent in most developing nations. The Western Democracies rather than helping to nurture the essential institutions of democracy, engage greedy local politicians in transactions that are illegal to say the least and mostly of criminal in nature. They offer aid, grants and loans to despotic governments and in many times earn kickbacks in the process. It is that which cements a system of bribery and sleaze in developing states. Most grants and loans earmarked for the poor ends in the mouths of tyrants and their entourage.

President Obama is right to address corruption in Africa, but that should entail all countries. Let us reward good governance and democracy and punish the rotten regimes that stick to the chair of satanic authority. They defend their illegitimate power ruthlessly and nothing to contribute to the well-being of their people. They rule by denying all basic human rights, turning the masters of their power into slaves. They loot people’s properties, as they did to people’s power. Ban them to travel, never giving them the chance to enjoy the courtesy of civilised nations. Trace their ill gotten wealth and prohibit them to taste purchase of a single penny they stole.

By Honourable Brown C. Kapika

President for Adedo – Zamucano Political Party (Zambia)

President for ‘Beweging voor Burger -en Mensenrechten’Political Party (Netherlands)

(Partij voor de Burgerlijke-en Mensenrechten )