Did you hear or feel anything?
An earthquake with magnitude 4.6 occurred near Kariba, Zimbabwe at 03:05:26.10 UTC on Jan 9, 2016. (This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.)
Population Density near epicenter (people/km2). Image area: 6×4 decimal degrees (approx. 650x450km2). SummaryThis earthquake is expected to have a low humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.Earthquake Magnitude 4.6M, Depth:10km09 Jan 2016 03:05:26 UTC1988381 people within 100kmWhether international humanitarian aid is needed must be decided by an expert.
See the GDACS website for live news coverage (including OCHA Situation Reports), the full earthquake report
For information on emergency response, please consult the GDACS Virtual OSOCC.
Earthquake Event Characteristics Magnitude: 4.6 MDepth: 10 km (very shallow)Source: NEIC Location (latitude/longitude): -16.0456, 28.5553Time (UTC): 09 Jan 2016 03:05:26Time (ECT): 09 Jan 2016 04:05:26 Earthquake Impact DetailsThe earthquake happened inZambia, Province of Southern (population 1,062,581). The nearest places are Chiota (9km), and Lusaka (1.2 million people , 76km).
The following vulnerable infrastructure is nearby and may be affected. The nearest hydrodams are Kafue Gorge (29km). The nearest protected areas are Chirundu Fossil Forest (15km), Ntombolole (20km), Motulanganga (20km), and Lusitu Headwaters (26km).
For logistics, the following access points are nearby. The nearest airports are Kariba (runway 5400ft, 63km), and Lilayi (63km). There are no known ports nearby.
The maximum altitude nearby is 1500m. The area has steep slopes (up to 40 percent) and may be susceptible to landslides.
The population near the earthquake is shown in the table below.
Radius Population Density (people/km2) 75 km 820000 people 46 50 km 120000 people 15 20 km 16000 people 13 10 km 2300 people 7DisclaimerWhile we try everything to ensure accuracy, this information is purely indicative and should not be used for any decision making without alternate sources of information. The JRC is not responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the use of the information presented on this website. Please refer to the GDACS website for subscribing or unsubscribing from the earthquake alert email or SMS service.
Joint Initiative of the United Nations and the European Commission Email created automatically at 09 Jan 2016 03:48 UTC. Reproduction authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
about an hour ago

Whatever but the fact stands that there was the shaking of the ground and i heard it!
I don’t know when it was happening,how long it took Okey I have no idea thought I was shaking da bed Abit hard..
Its not earthquake It’s earth tremor.
I might have been drunk the time that rubbish was happening
Yes i feelt it
I fear for our already shaky Kariba Dam wall……
i like the ignorance lskvoice. earthquake and tremor hav 1 thng in comon,they ar all earthquakes. bt the difference is earthquake is violent sharking of the ground and tremor is slightly shakin of the ground.
it was an after shorck wen north korea tested a hydrogen boomb!
Ndanji Siwila Sekanji Siwila
were did it happen n wen coz I never heard a thing!
yes was scared culdnt go bk to slip
I heard it, it was around 05hrs in lsk
it was a tremor that didn’t result in a quake,if there was a quake,we would have seen a trail of destruction
it was a tremor in Kitwe…1pm
so do u wnt it 2 hapen n zambia?be prayerful.
Enzo Costa
I felt it in Lusaka. If I felt it in Lusaka, then I’m sure Kariba dam felt it too. Which worries me.
My bed was shaking
yes I felt the tremor, about 3.30 am and 04.00am. i live in Lusaka South.
There ws nothing like earthquake,i think u pipo were drunk or vyamba too much
It was around 5am and we where getting ready to taking our children to Chengelo school when it happened. My daughter was most terrified, she came running outside wondering what that was
Happens every night where I live
Glory Ericah
We got used to tremors in nakonde till it heat malawi,i heard from malawi river to a boarding school,that day the earth shock was scared to death wondered if i was still breathing or not
this happened yesterday around 05:00hrs,by then i was awake
It wz tremor guyz nt earth quake
guyz ey b prayer 4 these dayz r nt gud!
mulafwaishya earthquake ba zambia zoona,wait oneday it’l pass nd who wat who happen yu think its good thing…ok yu shud waiit oneday you will dance to its tune..,i for one i dnt dream of it…
yes I did
Yaa Kalumbu Lumayi
Twalomonapo ama earthquake! Ka earthquake sooooo!
My bed was shaking, i thought it was caming from the nxt house
What time
Not sure the time but i guess it was around 04 to 05
I also felt it, it wasn’t things.. i thot i was dreaming.
Was it Eartquake, tremor or rumor? I didn’t experience any.
please people let’s thank God it was an earth tremor not an earthquake
Signs of End time as a child of God who reads the bible am not worried coz i knw were we av reched
ninshi kuno takwachiba #kitwe
they were just tremurs ..
I was awaken by the sound. Was so scared and thought the wall was about to fall.
That’s not an earthquake u dummys… Dnt u know the difference between an earthquake and a tremor…???
guys stop this u need earthquake?
Yes Jacob Mwanza. What we need is to make a lot of drama about countrywide rains that are going to resuscitate peasants maize and restore levels in electricity producing dams. Not anticipation of calamities that have the power to rubble our cracked dams out of existence and cause some rivers to disappear. Then woe to the mines, woe to agriculture, woe to the food basket
Am learning
So which one is the appropriate term…if i can ask what was the magnitude of the earthquake that was experienced?
Pwahahahaha gud one boss…thanks
I feel irie
I was even scared ine kaili the windows startd shaking too much..
Florence Chibesa Bwembya did you feel the earthquake /tremor?
Nothing imagine!
Some people in Mazabuka say they did.
Ya we did
Oh poor Flo,she missed an earthquake!lol
What’s next Volcanoes,Tornadoes,Hurricanes. Just let it go..pipo are talking about it with soo much pride like its an achievement
Kikikikiki….siunvela iwe
true has if its unachievement thy shud wait oneday thy’l dance to its tune thy think its a nice thing to hapen…
Imagin,as if its an achivment aii.
I really got scared . What an experience.
earth tremor if u v stayed in kasama u shud knw beta
earth tremor if u v stayed in kasama u shud knw beta
That was cool
We are learning
Southern Province in Mazabuka aswell
We should all be gratefull that there was not a second one. Because we would not be talking now.
Quiet a good experience to have felt it tho i was scared..
tha shake of lsk ws very bad guyz.
earth tremor
Ask sismic department at Geological survey in lusaka
Is it an earth quake or tremor??
Kelly Hammers kkkkkk, ati it was you hammering out in the underground mines…..
Its a tremor
wat earthqurk we where blasting at mopani around 03am
Should have been 20 tons of ammonium dynamite!
heard it….southern
kulila elo twafyumfwa..
I felt a tremor at around 05:06. Lasted about 30 seconds
Uyo e e makumba kuno
Uyo e e makumba kuno kale apita
Tremor or earthquake. It is all about scale
Wat earthquake shetani elekunta amalangeti
its not an earthquake its a tremor.
It was an earthquake
Bull sh*t u cant understand simple geography
I heard it…lsk
Was it an earthquake or a tremor?
It was an earthquake
Was it?
In simpler terms Earthquakes are the vibrations caused by rocks breaking under stress. The underground surface along which the rock breaks and moves is called a fault plane.
A tremor is a slight earthquake.
If it was earthquake what magnitude LV?
I can confirm that l experienced the tremor
Windows were rattling around 03 somewhere there!
It is time
We felt it here in lusaka in the early ours today
earthquake or tremor?
I felt it and it was scary despite not being the first time.
it is a tremor
Southern, Western, Lusaka and Parts of Central provinces may have felt it. We in Luapula, Northern, Muchinga and Copperbelt felt the one whose epicenter was in the Bangweulu lake system around August last year. Like your map shows, the headlines can read earthquakes rattle Zambia. Are we a new frontier joining the “pacific ring of fire”? It is like in some unknown number of years in the past, these tectonic forces created some of the wonderful waterfalls we have as rifts and chasms opened up in the geological systems…
yes it’s true even me en my friend ebrahim we wer awake the tym it wz passing Ebrahim Duron Ebreezy
I felt it. It woke me up. My bed was shaking.
it wz a tremor..
was that an earth quake or tremor?
Not a thing,and am a light sleeper nowadays,so maybe nothing in Kalulushi.
Oh in kalulushi, 5:06am LSK. i got off my bed to make sure i wasn’t dreaming. scary but nice experience. reminded me of Napal
in hw many provinces has it passed?
Me at 05 :10
its news 4 me.lol
Yes I did in mazabuka at 04:45