A Tribute To Bishop Sky Banda by Nevers Mumba

Sky Zibani Banda
Sky Zibani Banda- 29th July 1956 – 20th December 2015

This past week has been an extremely difficult week for the body of Christ, believers across this country and many Zambians. We’ve lost a general in the kingdom by the name of Bishop Sky Zibani Banda. As for me, my memories of this great servant of God are as fresh as they were 35 years ago when I served under his ministry as a Youth Director at Maranatha Assemblies of God. I served him as his youngest Elder at Maranatha. I was only 20 years old when I was an Elder.

We share a common heritage with the late Bishop Banda. We were confronted with a decision to choose a Pastor and I will never forget when I proposed his name to be the Pastor of Maranatha Church 35 years ago, he was not even in the country but studying in the West Indies. And I look back now that the proposal I made for him to be pastor of Maranatha has stood the test of time because he never left until just a few days ago when the Lord called him home.

He goes home as a mentor to many, including myself. Bishop Banda was my last pastor before I myself became a pastor. And as he goes, out hearts will continually cherish the moments that we had with him and his dear wife Sophie who also left us last year.

To the younger men and women that are being called into the ministry, Bishop Banda will always remain as an icon within the body of Christ demonstrating character, clarity and ministry of the word and diligence in the word. And  therefore as we bid him farewell, I say to my elder brother as he sits by the side of the Lord, I say to him: “Farewell my elder brother. May the Lord keep you as you await that great day when all of us shall gather around that great throne. We shall miss you. Farewell, farewell.”