A THIRTY-EIGHT-YEAR-OLD woman has narrated before a Lusaka local court how her husband threatens to kill her with an iron bar for denying him sex on grounds that he bolted with his widowed lover for two years.
This was heard in the Kanyama local court in a case where Mulenga Kabwe of Lusaka’s John Laing Township sued her husband, Frederick Kabwe, 49, for divorce.
Mulenga told senior court magistrate Ackim Phiri sitting with magistrate Daniel Phiri that Kabwe lost interest of having sex with her husband after he accusing her of being lazy in bed and later deserted her and the children for two years to live with a widow in 2013.
She said when her husband’s lover left Kabwe, he decided to go back to his matrimonial home.
Mulenga said could not have sex with Kabwe because she was suspicious of what killed his lover’s husband.
“When he returned, he started demanding for sex, when I refuse he threatens to kill me, cut me into pieces and put me in a sack, he beats me with a plank and an iron bar,” Mulenga said amid sobs as she produced the said iron bar as evidence.
In defence, Kabwe said he differed with his wife because she used to desert him without explaining where she had gone.
He said he had complained to churchmates who used to find him washing his clothes an indication that his wife was not home.
Passing judgment, magistrate Ackim Phiri granted the couple divorce on grounds that they stayed for two years without sex and that Kabwe is cruel as evidenced by the iron bar presented in court.
The magistrate Phiri ordered Kabwe to compensate Mulenga with K8,000, an initial payment of K1,000 would have to be paid and K200 installments thereafter.
He also ordered Kabwe to be paying K450 per month as maintenance for the chidren and that the two should share property they acquired together.