Kitwe husband shoots pornographic video with teen lover


A KITWE housewife narrated in a local court that she found a pornographic video on her husband’s mobile phone showing him in bed with a teenage girl.
Doris Njovu, who presented the video before Garneton Local Court senior magistrate Fredrick Ndhlovu as evidence, said her husband’s girlfriend, who is 17 years old is even pregnant.
Njovu was narrating in a case in which she sued Chota Mutale for compensation for adultery. Mutale is her husband’s lover.

Njovu told the court that she started hearing rumours about Mutale having an affair with her husband but only believed it was true when she discovered the video of her husband with Mutale.
“Mutale is from my neighbourhood. So I approached her parents when I saw the video but her sisters physically abused me,” she said.

Mutale admitted to having a sexual relationship with Njovu’s husband. She said she had no idea he was married when he proposed love to her until Njovu approached her but by then, she was already pregnant.
Passing judgment, Mutale was ordered to pay Njovu K3,000 as compensation for committing adultery to be paid in monthly instalments of K200.
The court also reprimanded Mutale and advised her to concentrate on her education instead of engaging in illicit affairs.

Zambia Daily Mail