Indeni refines ‘bad’ crude oil

crude oil barrels
crude oil barrels

MINISTER of Mines, Energy and Water Development Christopher Yaluma says the recently procured contaminated crude oil is now being processed at Indeni Petroleum Refinery.
Mr Yaluma said in an interview yesterday that Government cannot send back the oil but has opted to refine it using a special chemical.
“We are flushing the contaminated oil with some chemicals. It will not have any effect on cars,” the minister said.

Mr Yaluma said the contaminant oil will remain at the base of the pipes at Indeni.
He said the public should not panic because Government has put in place the necessary measures to protect both the refinery and cars by ensuring that the oil is adequately processed.

Recently, Government procured 115,000 metric tonnes of crude oil from Oman which later turned out to be unsuitable for Indeni Petroleum Refinery.
This raised fears that the oil might damage Indeni’s process lines, eat up pipes, vessels and tanks, thereby reducing the lifespan of the refinery.

Mr Yaluma recently said Government has summoned the suppliers of crude feedstock to explain why they supplied contaminated oil, which caused leakages to the oil pipeline.
He said appropriate sanctions against suppliers will be determined once investigations into the matter are concluded.
Mr Yaluma also said over K10 million will be needed to repair the damaged pipelines and that the cost will be borne by the supplier.