A 54-year-old man of Mbulamilimo fishing camp in chief Kaingu’s chiefdom in Itezhi Tezhi district has been fined K1,300.00 for being in possession of a water monitor lizard.
The water monitor lizard which is one of the largest lizards only outsized by crocodile and Komodo dragon is a protected animal in Zambia that is being endangered by poaching.
Mwikwa Kaitwa, a fisherman, was found in possession of the carcass of a water monitor lizard a government trophy without any papers from the Director of the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA).
Kaitwa pleaded guilty to the offence and told the court that the water monitor lizard was for his consumption only.
Kaitwa was facing two counts of unlawful possession of government trophy, namely a water monitor lizard and in count two he was facing unlawful entry in the National park.
The allegations against Kaitwa were that on 23rd February this year he entered into the South Kafue National Park without a permit from ZAWA.
Magistrates Munalula Mubita convicted Kaitwa and ordered him to pay the State K900.00 for the offence of unlawful entry into the National park or in default 12 months in jail with hard labour.
The court also ordered Mubita to pay K400.00 for being in possession of a government trophy or in default 8 months imprisonment with hard labour.
Meanwhile, a 35-year old man of Mbulamilimo fishing camp in chief Kaingu’s chiefdom in central province has been sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with hard labour for unlawfully fishing in Lake Itezhi Tezhi, a National park during the just ended fish ban.
Geoffrey Shikowe, 35, who pleaded guilty to the offence, is alleged to have engaged himself in unlawful fishing in Lake Itezhi Tezhi and was found with fresh fish weighing 34 kilo grams by ZAWA officers who were on their routine patrols.
Allegations against Shikowe are that on 23rdFebruary 2015 jointly and while acting together with unknown persons the accused unlawfully engaged in fishing and killed fish weighing 34 kilo gramss in Lake Itezhi Tezhi during the fish ban contrary to the Laws of Zambia.
In the second count, Shikowe has also been charged with unlawful possession of a weapon while in the National park namely a fishing net without any documents from ZAWA , a charge that he has denied and was later dropped.
In count three Shikowe is charged with the offence of unlawful entry into the National park and has pleaded guilty to the offence.
Magistrates Munalula Mubita ordered the accused to pay a fine of K900.00 for the offence of unlawful entry in the National park and to serve a 12 months jail term with hard labour for unlawful fishing.