Lusaka — President Robert Mugabe yesterday came face to face with how Zambians feel about his continued 35-years grip on power.
Huge crowds of Zambians yesterday chanted “Mugabe must go!” at the Radisson Blu Hotel in the capital Lusaka. A video of the demo showing hundreds of people waving hands in the air and chanting their protests went viral on social site, YouTube.
It was not clear what sparked the demonstrations or who organised them. It could also not be established yesterday if the demonstrators had managed to get Mugabe’s attention or if the President responded in any way.
Efforts to get details of the goings-on in Lusaka were fruitless last night as Mugabe’s spokesperson George Charamba could not be reached on his phone. Zanu PF deputy director of information, Psychology Maziwisa expressed surprise at the question saying he was in the dark over the incident.
“Is that so?” he asked. “I am not aware. I am in Zimbabwe.”
The President was hosted to a dinner by the Zimbabwean embassy in Lusaka on Friday evening upon arrival.
Mugabe — who is chairman of the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) and incoming African Union (AU) chair — is in Lusaka where he went on Friday to attend the inauguration of Zambia’s new president.
This was despite the fact that ballots were still being counted and no winner had been declared.
The Radisson Blu Hotel is the current base of the opposition candidate Hakainde Hichilema of the United Party for National Development who appeared to have lost the election by the time of going to press last night.
Ruling party Patriotic Front candidate Edgar Lungu was tipped to win the presidential election after building what appeared to be an unassailable lead against Hichilema.
The elections in Zambia followed the death of President Michael Sata in October last year.
Hichilema, who is believed to have narrowly lost the presidential by-election, has claimed that Lungu stole the polls. He first complained on the very first day of voting, claiming government helicopters refused to carry his observers to the countryside despite an earlier agreement.
On his party website — although he accepted the outcome of the poll — he claimed the playing field was not level.
He said: “We have experienced widespread violence against our supporters and party members throughout the campaign, as well as deep irregularities in the counting process.”
Alluding to discrepancies in the counting of votes, Hachilema said: “We know that democracy lies not only in the voting, but in the counting.”
Hachilema concluded his statement: “We in the UPND, together with our partners and ordinary citizens, will be watching closely and we will be ready to win another election in 20 months’ time under a new constitution. Despite the fact that the election was stolen from us, I urge all our party members and supporters across our country to remain calm and peaceful for the good of Zambia.”
Lungu was set to be inaugurated last night as Zambia’s 6th President.
Mugabe — Zimbabwe’s only President since independence — arrived in Zimbabwe on Thursday from a five-week long holiday in the Far East and proceeded to Lusaka the following day for the inauguration of a new president.
This attracted furore from many quarters who question the rationale of Mugabe’s action given his extended leave in the Far East and the burning issues requiring his attention back home.
Zimbabwean Britain-based lawyer Alex Magaisa asked: “Just heard that President Mugabe [who arrived home yesterday after a long absence] flew to Lusaka for the inauguration of the new Zambian President tomorrow. Now, can someone please tell me, have the results of the Zambian election been announced already? Who is the President-elect of Zambia?”
— By The Zimind Staff/Sapa
let the fools die whilst they are alive, proudly Zim viva Mugabe viva, we are with you always
not listening to actions of bitter loosers
i love you my father President Mugabe
So if Americans came to realise how good is OUR iconic leader and the rest of the world cheered, it means only fools dont appreciate and realise how important this man is to Africa. He castigated America and Obama in his presence for not taking action agaist Israel over its war in Gaza and the world cheered
In case u foolish idiots didn’t know, last year after Mugabe’s speech at the United Nations in America there where demonstrators outside bearing banners and shouting, ” MUGABE IS RIGHT, MUGABE IS RIGHT, MUGABE IS RIGHT…………………….,
bWhat a waste of a man bob is… He has taken a country tat was the breadbasket of our beloved Africa and turned it into a trashcan……. Other African countries should really learn from this waste of space… why can’t he just die and find himself at home in hell.
i think God will let you rest first
The only one left indeed.He is my hero and to hell all those who demonstrated against him.
Mugabe……..the most educated president world wide!
Mugabe the #GermanyMetal… I like this dude Lol you welcome sir
Ellie Majange go hang, house nigger.
Who was demonstrating? Where did they want him to go and why? Cheap and stupid tactics. So we should believe Zambians want the SADC chairman to go to an unknown place. This is taking Africans for granted, and looks like desperation.
I wish Africa could have another president like H.E.R.M. He’s one of the gallant sons of Afrika.
so then if he goes, does it make Edgar not to be president? lol, indeed…. wat a bunch of loosers! like Tracey Mprgan would say, he’s still the “head niggar in charge” . Robert Mugabe is now part of us, nothing can change that!
Now listen to me you dull Zambians. Mugabe is a monster and he will help Lungu destroy your growing economy. Mugabe shld be chased away whenener he steps into Zambia. Get it from me a Zimbabwean. Our president is useless and greedy
Go hang! Shameless house nigger
hmmm i think his best days are behind him new blood needed
am in zambia its a lie
am in zambia its a lie
They can’t handle this guy. That’s not going to do anything. Lol Ashley ‘Jay’ Jutas Jnr
They can’t handle this guy. That’s not going to do anything. Lol Ashley ‘Jay’ Jutas Jnr
vano penga kuneyi ku Zambia chine musoro chinga diwe na Bov
They meant from being Zim president lol.
Do they know that even in their own country they could be made to sit on a stove lol.
cmon ppl u say hes bad the man is the sadc chairman soon to be au chair jealous done ….
cmon ppl u say hes bad the man is the sadc chairman soon to be au chair jealous done ….
Let mugabe be free and talk wht he wants thts his tym he is any african man so mugabe keep it up we love u and god loves u
Let mugabe be free and talk wht he wants thts his tym he is any african man so mugabe keep it up we love u and god loves u
I love Uncle Bob he’s a genius
Long live our president, healthier
Mugabe than those ever dying Zambian presidents
@patrick kasonde,,,wat daz this have to do with UPND..you people mukonda kuti yamba
let the idiot go
let the idiot go
Sorry where does he come from?
Sorry where does he come from?
And bena Zambia don’t just demand mugabe’s removal from the high office,this is a lesson next time don’t elect an old man as your president .Mr beche is cheating you does he come from mwana we bhunu like guy Scot
And bena Zambia don’t just demand mugabe’s removal from the high office,this is a lesson next time don’t elect an old man as your president .Mr beche is cheating you does he come from mwana we bhunu like guy Scot
Mugabe is holding onto power like a flea, let him give others chance to rule. Zimbabweans are all over in Zambia selling sweets n peanut butter.
Mugabe is holding onto power like a flea, let him give others chance to rule. Zimbabweans are all over in Zambia selling sweets n peanut butter.
Best president in Africa who stand 4 the truth. U want him 2 go so that Gays must be free?
Best president in Africa who stand 4 the truth. U want him 2 go so that Gays must be free?
bross he is out of ideas he must leave
I can i gree that he must go bcoz he is old now, but that Madala is the best deal. I like him so much.
i agree ……
that’s comrade!!!I respect him.he’s a last man stnding
that’s comrade!!!I respect him.he’s a last man stnding
Usafararisa vakomana….we will simply counter that one.we will b waiting for our president at the harare international airport n we will be singing life president
Usafararisa vakomana….we will simply counter that one.we will b waiting for our president at the harare international airport n we will be singing life president
The devil must go were sick n tired of his dictatorship go to hell wer u belong Mugabe
The devil must go were sick n tired of his dictatorship go to hell wer u belong Mugabe
Mugabe is not their president,,,they should mind their business………..
Mugabe is not their president,,,they should mind their business………..
Kana kubhora zviriko maplayers anombosvororodzwa nema supporter asi ndovanongoramba vachitamba'”‘”kkk
Kana kubhora zviriko maplayers anombosvororodzwa nema supporter asi ndovanongoramba vachitamba'”‘”kkk
U can tell by the hands who organised this demo just watch hands
U can tell by the hands who organised this demo just watch hands
@ 90 u call yodelf a president…sad…
@ 90 u call yodelf a president…sad…
First they love you and they hate you and they love you again.
First they love you and they hate you and they love you again.
Why was he first to arrive among invited guests?
Why was he first to arrive among invited guests?
Live our president alone and do yr bissnes Zambians viva ubaba wethu viva
Live our president alone and do yr bissnes Zambians viva ubaba wethu viva
so nowonder his reception was dull today,, as compared to how it was during the golden jubilee.
so nowonder his reception was dull today,, as compared to how it was during the golden jubilee.
Thank you Zambians for doing wat Zimbabweans shld have done long time ago.
Thank you Zambians for doing wat Zimbabweans shld have done long time ago.
mugabe the worst trouble maker…..he must go!
mugabe the worst trouble maker…..he must go!
should be tongs they knew he was here for PF
Whch part of lusaka rioted? Mugabe plz fel free, u ar most welcm 2 da land of peace n joy. U ar not in barotseland wr we knw people ar wounded. U ar in lsk.. Plz fl at hom.
heheh stop lying ba makaka
Leave comrade Bob alone,He wasn’t there when we were voting,He just came on official duty,unlike HH who is only recognised in southern province of Zambia, mutungamire we nyika ye Zimbabwe must be respected.
I hate Mugabe the way I hate Satan. My relative was killed for just belonging to MDC, unemployment is at 95%, corruption is rampant, Zimbabwe ministers are all murderer s, health care collapsed, water and electricity are rare commodities, roads are an eye sore, poverty is the order of the day, violence and rigging are their survival tools. Mugabe must just go!!!!!
You idiots do not spread lies ,do you think u can do it against our President?? hahahaha,if u can, Do it for your own peril!, l tell u.
wats wrong bra
people of zambia mugabe is the chair of sadac and he has the right to cum nd see wat yu chaps ar doin here
mugabe iz a gud man.
Couver Crosby that once jewel of Africa is now a pathetic nation.if he is a caring father wy is it that he doesn’t want to call it a day and rest.is that not dictatorship.a dictator is news for a country coz even investors will run away with their money leading to massive unemployement.in zim the only industry u see now at bakkeries
dont ly
batai mukarove ikoko kana muchigona
batai mukarove ikoko kana muchigona
I hope you are saying good about Bob. Otherwise translate!
Bryan M. Musonda you don’t wanna know the translation,its bad trust me. Mexii Arsene Manga Ndhlovu hahahaha crazy you! why must we do that here? ndezve ikoko ku zimbo isisu kuno atimbokakwanisi kamunhu kaya kikikikikiki
Mugabe his days are numbered at his early 90s u cant expect him to strong in one to two years time.
Those were disgruntled UPND Cadres.
Thats very true.they failed to make their candidate win,now they are venting their anger on my President at the same time tarnishing the image of the Zambians.
Mugabe is welcome to Zambia any time he comes, u should have seen the thunderous welcome he received when he entered Heroes stadium today!
Tell them Bro.that was the action by the bitter losers and it dsnt mean that all Zambians hate him.
Mugabe is a dictator
only a man who has never stayed in zimbabwe can agree with u
true Frank
You zim guys lf mgabe is the best why is it many zimbabweans are scattered all over the world.they ar being exploited.he gave people land we don’t dispute BT way is he failing to curb corruption.how many farms does he got and his ministers whilst the majority at landless.why does he kill opposition members in times of elections.wy does he rig elections.way did he kill the ndebeles.wy is the economy performing so badly when smith managed to sail thru those sanctions.wy does he hate anyone who critisize his rule.why don’t he give others a chance coz at 91 ther is nothing he can do for the youths.he is now more concerned abt his death only.
U r very crazy wanzwa research b4 criticising .Lunatic Mark
you are a dog, why hating the son of the soil, ask yo dad about uncle bob
you are a dog, why hating the son of the soil, ask yo dad about uncle bob
mugabe is no good we zimbabweans kno he is no good he destroyed thos once beautiful country. now he is hiding behind afrocentrism
mugabe is no good we zimbabweans kno he is no good he destroyed thos once beautiful country. now he is hiding behind afrocentrism
Mugabian president Robert Zimbabwe
Leave uncle bob alone.
In every home there should be a dog or dogs.And a dog can only bark.Mugabe was in zambia officially.This is one fact the zambian opposition should understand.Mugabe leads AU and not some directionless zambian opposition parties.The AU salutes the winner of the polls and WE,as ZIMBABWEANS,look forward tto working with the winner who was chosen by the people of Zambia.Dogs can continue barking.Its the only thing they can do.
Only a tonga can think evil like that?nowonder I swear never to vote for such pipo
In every home there should be a dog or dogs.And a dog can only bark.Mugabe was in zambia officially.This is one fact the zambian opposition should understand.Mugabe leads AU and not some directionless zambian opposition parties.The AU salutes the winner of the polls and WE,as ZIMBABWEANS,look forward tto working with the winner who was chosen by the people of Zambia.Dogs can continue barking.Its the only thing they can do.
Well said and spot on.the Zambian opposition failed to woo the voters and lost the elections nw they are venting their anger on an innocent person.
Well said.
are u calling Zambia’s opposition dogs?
are u calling Zambia’s opposition dogs?
Sure it seems Mugabe is the only president attached to PF government why can someone help me.
Mugabe is da best
kkkkkkkk asova
kkkkkkkk asova
ngavauye vazviitire kuno tivamamise vagoziva kuremekedza mutungamiri wenyika
ngavauye vazviitire kuno tivamamise vagoziva kuremekedza mutungamiri wenyika
kkkkkk vakajaidzwa mhani.chiOpposition cheko chakamamaiswa pamaelections nw chaakupedzera shungu kumunhu asina mhosva.
Taura zvako shamwari
mmmmm makuhwa ndovaudza lol ndogara navo kuno
To some of us Mugabe empowered Zimbabweans by giving them what belongs to them. If u were in Zimbabwe when the whites owned those farms and most properties u would have a clear picture on how people were still more like reporting to colonialist. I was there and trust me u don’t know. U just read and paint wrong pictures. And never make a mistake saying what u say on Zimbabwean soils because people still love him.
To some of us Mugabe empowered Zimbabweans by giving them what belongs to them. If u were in Zimbabwe when the whites owned those farms and most properties u would have a clear picture on how people were still more like reporting to colonialist. I was there and trust me u don’t know. U just read and paint wrong pictures. And never make a mistake saying what u say on Zimbabwean soils because people still love him.
What were UPND trying to achieve? Did you see the whole of Hon. Mutati in the midist of confused cadres.
What were UPND trying to achieve? Did you see the whole of Hon. Mutati in the midist of confused cadres.
Why is he obsessed with staying out of the country squantering state funds wen his people ar starving and dying in hospitals coz of substandard medication.honestly this dude no longer has the heart for his people as long as his family and immediate relatives at OK then he is fine.
Why is he obsessed with staying out of the country squantering state funds wen his people ar starving and dying in hospitals coz of substandard medication.honestly this dude no longer has the heart for his people as long as his family and immediate relatives at OK then he is fine.
hahaha yo surname bares it all.u absent minded idiot
Beche do you know what beche is?kkkkk
Beche do you know what beche is?kkkkk
Mugabe’s memory is on ..,please wait stil loading. ……..how does he appreciate Zambians for free transition of power but him totally refuses to do so..
Mugabe’s memory is on ..,please wait stil loading. ……..how does he appreciate Zambians for free transition of power but him totally refuses to do so..
When did he refuse?
I liked that video of people demonstrating from lusaka voice.maybe taken from a wedding celemony
I liked that video of people demonstrating from lusaka voice.maybe taken from a wedding celemony
Mugabe must just go. What is he still doing at 91?
Mugabe must just go. What is he still doing at 91?
Ni mwana wa nyoko
Ni mwana wa nyoko
Taura hako
I hate Mugabe the way I hate Satan. My relative was killed for just belonging to MDC, unemployment is at 95%, corruption is rampant, Zimbabwe ministers are all murderer s, health care collapsed, water and electricity are rare commodities, roads are an eye sore, poverty is the order of the day, violence and rigging are their survival tools. Mugabe must just go!!!!!
you idiots leave our president alone we love him here in Zimbabwe thats why we voted for him, mind your own business…you sellouts vana vasatan
you idiots leave our president alone we love him here in Zimbabwe thats why we voted for him, mind your own business…you sellouts vana vasatan
Unomuda iwewee nani
Unomuda iwewee nani
saka unoti akawana 1vote hauna brain chembwa surname yako inongotaura yoga
saka unoti akawana 1vote hauna brain chembwa surname yako inongotaura yoga
Even we Zambians love him.
thex Sam we are one Zimbabwe and Zambia..onelove
Iwe Chembwa,ini ndinomudawo futi.saka unofunga kuti kana iwe usingamude munhu wese haamude here?anyway,yo surname bares it all.Panoti CHEMBWA apo.kkkkkkkkkk
Cliff come to Zimbabwe my friend you see for yourself…better dying of hunger than be slaves in your country…he also hve pple @heart i dont knw whre are getting all these lies
we respect the outcome of your elections and we respect th 1 u chse so learn to respect other pples choices, thts our choice as Zimbabweans so jus stay away from t
Gina please join me as I say viva mugabe viva
Gina please join me as I say viva mugabe viva
Willy u made me feel proud to be a Zimbo.so me too,i say Viva Mugabe Viva
fuck Mugabe
fuck Mugabe
This is A LIE!!!! Those were bitter UPND cadres, unprofessional reporting, fools!
This is A LIE!!!! Those were bitter UPND cadres, unprofessional reporting, fools!
Gina chewe please join me as I say viva mugabe viva
Gina chewe please join me as I say viva mugabe viva
mental slavery still going on kkkkkkk Africa!
mental slavery still going on kkkkkkk Africa!
the just ended presidential campaign, mugabe assisted lungu so why should he go and where to?
the just ended presidential campaign, mugabe assisted lungu so why should he go and where to?
Those demostrators are stoogies of their western colonial masters.
Those demostrators are stoogies of their western colonial masters.
He has come to advise on how to govern if people becomes stubborn.
He has come to advise on how to govern if people becomes stubborn.
Go go Mugabe you are a real man
Go go Mugabe you are a real man
I just lyk this Man… liv him alone… MUGABE z a Heoro even white guyz knws that Mugabe z a man enough, Viva Mugabe!!!
I just lyk this Man… liv him alone… MUGABE z a Heoro even white guyz knws that Mugabe z a man enough, Viva Mugabe!!!
Leave uncle Bob alone. Nimwana wa nyoko?
Leave uncle Bob alone. Nimwana wa nyoko?
Demo’s from idiots
Demo’s from idiots
What is there in zimbabwe to rule? Zambia is so much better than zimbabwe. Incase u didn’t
Yu ae right my frend.zambia z very much better than our country zimbabwe
You are lying go to livingstone border and count how zambian cum to sale malasha and mpuphu , clothes en tomatoes.whats special in zambian
You are lying go to livingstone border and count how zambian cum to sale malasha and mpuphu , clothes en tomatoes.whats special in zambian
whats so special about zambia dude? leave our mugabe alone moron.
whats so special about zambia dude? leave our mugabe alone moron.
wellsaid mate Zambia is much much better than zimbabwe by far .mgabe”s supporters hate the truth.
we all know that
wellsaid mate Zambia is much much better than zimbabwe by far .mgabe”s supporters hate the truth.
we all know that
Zambia is better than Zim ..fuk mugabe fak mugabe
Zambia is better than Zim ..fuk mugabe fak mugabe
We are all Africans …why do you want to divide the beauty that we already have as Africans…am a Malawian but am not superior than any country in Africa…am proud to be a Malawian …but am also proud to be an African ….lets be one….welcome Mugabe he is just there to show that Africans are one…he is the father of Africa…wishing all the zambians the best as you celebrate the new election of new president and May the soul of Sata lest on peace
We are all Africans …why do you want to divide the beauty that we already have as Africans…am a Malawian but am not superior than any country in Africa…am proud to be a Malawian …but am also proud to be an African ….lets be one….welcome Mugabe he is just there to show that Africans are one…he is the father of Africa…wishing all the zambians the best as you celebrate the new election of new president and May the soul of Sata lest on peace
Guys,what is the purpose of all these comparisons?
I am sure Mugabe is going to attack whites including Scott in his Speech. Lets wait
enjoy your visit Muagabe you are welcome
If you know your Roots; You never insult Uncle Bob:
Mind your business.
Failing to think logically makes people think tribal and hate their fellow brother
This man can ruin Zambia in seconds!!! He should go
whats there in that your Zambia To Ruin what do you have
Zambia is better than shity Zim
Zambia is better than shity Zim
Mugabe is the best president…they is nothing in Zambia that mugabe can admire…he is just there to show unity among African countries…come on zambians….
Mugabe is the best president…they is nothing in Zambia that mugabe can admire…he is just there to show unity among African countries…come on zambians….
Gina I love you! at last I can read something making sense.
Ma rubbish!!!
Zambians should leave Zimbabwesn politics to Zimbabweans. Mind your own business.
Only if Mugabe leaves Zambian politics to Zambians first. That is simple, isnt it?
Only if Mugabe leaves Zambian politics to Zambians first. That is simple, isnt it?
Obert uri zidofo.Mugabe went there on his capacity as the SADC chairman to witness the swearing ceremony of whoever who had won the elections.he dd not go there to interfere with their politics.so apindira papi?
u re right.
all africans love Mugabe
ha,ha u guys should change your name 2 mazabuka voice,,Long live the Last emperor of africa, ba Robert…
Mugabe is the last man standing..
the olny one left…
even Malawians ee do love him..
yes we malawians love this true son of Africa the only one remaining!
yes we malawians love this true son of Africa the only one remaining!
Yes the only true son in the soil
U luv him because he is also a Malawian,……… y can’t u just take ur tyrant back?
U luv him because he is also a Malawian,……… y can’t u just take ur tyrant back?
I also love Mugabe!
try another news headline please!!!!!!
Leave My Mugabe alone I luv U long live Mugabe
hahah bad reporting back fires. we know you are upnd ba Lusakavoice you should change to upnd voice
these are the actions of Bitter LOSERS.
We are all one. Zambia must come first before politics its sad the media are trying make us fight each other. It sad.
leave uncle BOB alone ata
My idol
My idol
my second presdo afta…..hiz owez wellcome in zed
Leave Comrade Bob Gabriel Mugabe enjoy his visit.That man is real.Wait and listen to what he will vibe at Heroes,a place he has come to love so much.
So cadres of this ka Satanist UPND leader protest and you include us Zambians?
Not ukutubikishamo mufyabupuba waumfwa?
mind yo language u are also a satanist
mind yo language u are also a satanist
mind urself u idiot. Ur father and maza ar Satanist . waumfwa makaka.
you seem to know on satanism. birds on the same feathers
wat daz this have to do with UPND??
You are really a fool of fools, can’t you just discuss issues but you have to involve UPND. If you are a satanist don’t involve other people. By how do you know about the satanist thing ninshi naiwe.
Heheheh hahaha let’s b real mugabe is Zambia n lungu is Zim we can swap if we want our parties are one will include a provision 4 swap in da constitutions so that we make haters love us till death
Heheheh hahaha let’s b real mugabe is Zambia n lungu is Zim we can swap if we want our parties are one will include a provision 4 swap in da constitutions so that we make haters love us till death
They tried it in New York and London and it didnt work…
They tried it in New York and London and it didnt work…
false reports!!
false reports!!
Those were UPND cadres n HH. Be reminded that Uncle Bob is a Zambian in his own right n he is very welcome to Inauguarate Edgar. Bob the remaining icon of Africa.