Brutal husband jailed in Choma
Choma, Jan 23/15, ZANIS—–The Choma Magistrates’ court has sentenced a 40- year-old man of Lusaka to 18 months imprisonment with hard labour for pouring hot water on his wife after a marital dispute.
This is in a matter in which Alfred Chola Mwanaumbi of 21/1 Chawama
Township pleaded guilty to assaulting Irene Mwansa, who happens to be his wife.
Particulars of the offence are that on January 7, this year, Mr Mwanaumbi, 40, assaulted Irene Mwansa and occasioned her actual bodily harm by pouring hot water on her.
Mr Mwanaumbi, who appeared before chief resident magistrate, Willie Sinyangwe,
for facts, pleaded guilty to the offence.
Facts before the court were that onJanuary 7, 2015 at around 23:00hours, Ms Mwansa was spreading her bed when she heard Mwanaumbi, her husband, beating their child, who had been at the time sick.
Ms Mwansa met her fate when she tried to advise her husband against beating the child, and the advice annoyed her husband who rushed for the pot of hot water which was on fire outside and poured it on the wife.
Ms Mwansa, who sustained serious burns on her arms, reported the incident to Choma police station and Mr Mwanaubi was arrested for the offense.
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