ECZ re-locates Polling Stations
Lusaka, January 17th, 2015, ZANIS —- The electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ ) says it has relocated polling stations in Kanyama and Mandevu Constituencies, respectively.
The Commission has further set up a call centre for members of the Public to use during the election period .
According to the a statement by ECZ Public Relations Manager Crispin Akufuna to ZANIS IN Lusaka today, Nakatindi Market Polling station in Kanyama Constituency has moved to Mukwa School because the new building is under construction.
In the same constituency Mtandabantu Education Centre has moved to Heralds Education Centre as the open space used as a market is next to a bar as well as having a pool of rain water.
In Mandevu Constituency, Mr Akafuna says Kabanana Constituency has shifted to Lutheran Church premises as the area is water logged.
Further enquiries , Mr Akafuna says , should be directed to the office of the District Electoral Officer who is also Lusaka Town Clerk , .
Further, the Commission has set up a call centre for members of the Public to use during the election period .
Mr. Akafuna says the Commission has set up the numbers as follows 0211 377 500, 0211 377501, 0211 377502, 0211 377503 and 0211 377504.
Other numbers are 0211 377509, 0211 377510, 0211 377511, 0211 377512 and 0211 377513.
0211 377518, 0211 377519, 0211 377520, 0211 377521 and 0211 377522. 0211 377505, 0211 377506 and 0211 211377508 are the other numbers.
Mr Akafuna says the Commission has 0211 377514, 0211 377515, 0211 377516, 0211 377517, 0211377523 and 0211377524 as other numbers members of the public could use during the period.