——-The Kalulushi Municipal Council has unveiled a 37 million Kwacha budget for the year 2015.
This represents a decrease of twenty one per cent from last year due to the granting of tax rebates to Chambishi Copper Smelter (CCS) and NFC Africa Mining Limited.
ZANIS Kalulushi Reports that this budget which would be funded heavily by local taxes and fees.
Chairperson of the Finance Committee Geoffrey Kanda presented the budget to the Full Council.
Meanwhile, some Councillors had proposed that the next year’s Constituency Development Fund (CDF) be used to repair bridges in most rural wards which were in a deplorable state.
One of the councillors from Lukoshi ward Sikayumbu Nasinda said most of the bridges had collapsed and they were very vital to the survival of over 700 people in the area.
He said the bridges which had been washed away were critical economic component for people in the area.
But Mayor Bernard Mumba further said the Rural Roads Unit (RRU) has committed to work on all the damaged bridges in Kalulushi o enhance economic activities in the area and safeguard the lives of people.
And Chambishi Ward Councillor Agnes Bwalya has hailed this year’s budget for adopting gender main streaming.
She said she was impressed with this year’s budget as it had some notable funds such as ward development fund which had been increased from 50 thousand to 100 thousand Kwacha.
Ms. Bwalya said they would now be doing projects which would be seen by the community.