Lewanika, Limulunga hospitals receive equipment

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Lewanika, Limulunga hospitals receive equipment

Mongu, November 14, ZANIS—Caritas-Czech Republic has donated health equipment worth K19, 775 to Lewanika general hospital.

The same organisation has also donated K2, 250 worth of equipment to Limulunga district hospital in a bid to improving health care for mothers and children in Western Province.

Western Province Medical Officer Andrew Silumesii disclosed to ZANIS that the donation was aimed at improving the quality of mothers, pregnant women and the welfare of children through the support of health infrastructure, human capacities and midwifery education in the area.

Dr. Silumesii has further said Caritas-Czech Republic, which is a non-governmental organization (NGOs), has been concentrated much in Western Province in order to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in the region which is hugely underdeveloped.

He said the equipment will support the two institutions in the capacity building, providing of teaching materials for midwifery students and in the rehabilitation of a maternity block thereby securing suitable environment for quality health care for mothers and new-born babies.

The Provincial Medical Officer thanked government for continued support and prioritizing the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Silumesii said the ministry now has improved quality and easy access to mother and child health care in Western Province.

And a representative of the head of mission Caritas-Czech Republic, Tea Tihounova, said the organization was very active in Mongu district because the area   was among the highest least developed regions in Zambia.

Ms. Tihounova said the underdevelopment has resulted into low turnout of mothers attending antenatal, birth and postnatal health care.

She noted that the Czech Republic gives humanitarian aids to under developed countries in the field of health, education, agriculture, environmental protection and human rights.