Habitat urges increased decent housing

building house

HABITAT for Humanity International (HFHI) has urged Government to come up with policies that will increase access to decent accommodation among the poor.
HFHI senior vice president advocacy, government affairs and general counsel Elizabeth Blake said the commitment to move towards the 15 percent allocation as per 1996 housing policy is essential to ensure a significant decrease in the housing deficit.
Ms Blake said this is despite Government increasing funding to water and sanitation to 1.7 percent in the 2015 national budget from 0.7 percentage points.
“HFHI, with support from its local subsidiary, encourages Government to advance the right for all Zambians to have access to decent and adequate shelter.
“The housing deficit of 2.8 million cannot be addressed without having in place clear pro-poor policies, supported by adequate and sustainable funding for housing, water and sanitation and basic needs to improve livelihoods,” Ms Blake said at a press briefing in Lusaka on Wednesday.
She said the organisation believes in securing land tenure and aims to raise awareness on the critical foundation for breaking the cycle for Zambia.
With a new constitution being finalised, she said the challenge of housing will be resolved.
Ms Blake also cited the drafting of key policies such as the land policy and the urban land planning policy as some of the solutions to the problem of decent housing in the country.
“We are hopeful that the Breaking New Ground programme by the Ministry of Lands will make land registration a priority and will assist in ensuring land tenure to all Zambians.

Zambia Daily Mail