Zambians urged to put the interest of the country first

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 Central Province Permanent Secretary Edwidge Mutale has called on Zambians to put the country first in all their aspirations before personal ambitions.

Ms Mutale said citizens should not to engage in anything that does not build on the dreams of justice which freedom fighters fought for.

Speaking during the interdenominational Jubilee Thanks Giving prayer service
held at Ebenezer Pentecostal Church in Kabwe, Ms Mutale urged Zambians to continue fighting the war against tribalism, racialism, corruption GBV and defilement of girls.

She observed that there was need to honour those that sacrificed in
fighting colonialism and injustices for the nation.

Ms Mutale said the forefathers sacrificed in fighting for a One Zambia One
Nation for all to live peacefully.

The prayers were attended by various church leaders from various churches, senior defence and security personnel and government officials.