Big Brother Hotshots : Permithias The Polygamist

Big Brother Hotshots : Permithias The Polygamist
Big Brother Hotshots : Permithias The Polygamist


Big Brother Hotshots : Permithias The Polygamist

What could Permithias be up to? The Namibian singer has been referred to by housemates as a “polygamist” because of his ‘relationship’ with two ladies in the house. Last night he sat down with Laveda for more than the five minutes he requested and firstly told her that they were in many ways alike and wanted her to understand that he wished her nothing but joy and didn’t want people to hurt her.

Permithias started giving her advice, telling her not to wear her heart on her sleeve and let people know where she draws her strength from. He continued telling her that she must not put herself completely out there for people to hurt her and wanted to make sure that she went back home with her dignity. Permithias told Laveda that he understood her very well and wished that she wouldn’t find a reason to lie to him.

He warned her about the character of people that are gunning for a cash prize as big as that offered by Biggie and alerted her to dishonest characters that she should not trust easily. Laveda was completely absorbed by everything Permithias had to say that we can’t help but wonder if it all came from an authetic place.

Permithias has been alternating between Sabina and Laveda and with these ladies, tends to be getting close with each, or rather wanting to get close with each. It is hard to tell if he is sincere or playing them but his talk with Laveda seemed intense and coming from a good place.

How do you think things will unfold between Laveda and Permithias after the deep conversation they had?

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