Luanshya teachers celebrate their day in splendour

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Teachers in Luanshya District yesterday joined the rest of the world in commemorating the World Teachers’ Day which falls at a colourful gathering at Kafubu stadium.


Gracing the occasion, Luanshya District Commissioner, Harold Mbaulu, acknowledged the pivotal role that teachers have contributed to the current political, social and economic situation in the country in the last 50 years.


Mr Mbaulu said this year’s celebrations come at an important time when the nation is celebrating its independence Golden Jubilee which translates to celebrating the valuable service to the nation that teachers have contributed.

He noted that government was alive to the various challenges faced by teachers in the district such as the shortage of teachers resulting in the high pupil-teacher ratio, and committed government’s resolve to addressing the issue.


The DC stated that teachers were an asset in the provision of education and that as stakeholders deserved the best in terms of conditions of services and habitable accommodation among other incentives in order to get the best of this human resource.


And acting Luanshya District Education Board Secretary, Festone Mtonga, urged teachers to use their day to reflect on the various successes recorded and challenges teachers have faced in the discharge of their noble duty of education to the nation.


Mr Mtonga observed that said teachers have been placed with a huge task of undertaking the implementation of the revised curriculum and as such should ensure that the two newly introduce career pathways were fully implemented.


He noted that the revised curriculum made education more meaningful as it prepares pupils for international career paths and market.


Meanwhile, Professional Teachers Union of Zambia (PETUZ) Deputy General Secretary, Charity Kampamba Tembo, called for increased investment in the education sector, saying government has not recognised the role played by teachers by not awarding them deserving salaries.


And speaking on behalf of teachers, Luanshya Head Teachers Association Chairperson, Crispin Chikalanga, urged teachers to be humble and dedicated to service in the execution of their duty.


This year’s celebrations were commemorated under the theme “Zambia at 50, Unite for Quality Education, Better Education for a Better World in the Golden Jubilee Year.”