Contractor found dead in Kalabo

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–A 60- year-old- contractor working on the construction of New Kalabo State Prison has been found dead in his room.

Donald Mutale of Venture Construction Company was on Saturday evening found lying on a mat in his room with a shoe lace tied around his neck
and a cooking stick besides him, suspected to have been used to twist the lace around his neck.

Police officer-In-Charge, Kim Masambo, confirmed the development to ZANIS this morning.

Mr Masambo explained that Mr Mutale was found locked up in his room by his employees who forced their way in by breaking the door after they
noticed that their boss had not woken up.

He said workers only discovered the incident around 18:00 but it is suspected that the deceased could have died in the morning.

Police are suspecting foul play and have since instituted investigations into the matter.

The body of the deceased is in Kalabo District Hospital Mortuary awaiting post-mortem.