Chavuma in false Ebola alert as Angolan Woman dies bleedingY-

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Chavuma in false Ebola alert as Angolan Woman dies bleeding


Chavuma, September 13,ZANIS—Government has dispelled fears that an Angolan national who was quarantined on Thursday evening at Chiingi border post in Chavuma District in North-western Province for suspected Ebola virus did not die from the deadly disease.

The unidentified Angolan woman who bled from her genitals, mouth and nose caused panic at the border post forcing local health workers to rush to the scene.


Chavuma District Administrative Officer Kennedy Phezo confirmed to ZANIS and that after investigations, the rapid response team discovered that the deceased had inserted unknown herbs in her private parts with an attempt to terminate her life following a marital dispute.


Mr Phezo said the woman later died at Chavuma Mission Hospital where she was taken for further examinations.


He commended both immigration and health officers for acting promptly to quarantine the patient and urged the general public to remain vigilant by reporting to relevant authorities an outbreak of any strange disease.


Meanwhile, Mr Phezo emphasized the need for the rapid response team and security wings to intensify patrols at entry points.


Chavuma has only one legal entry point and nine unmanned illegal entry points.