Shamenda takes FQM to task
Solwezi, September 6, 2014, ZANIS……Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda has taken First Quantum Minerals (FQM) management to task over prohibitive rentals for housing units and school fees at its Kabitaka development project.
Mr. Shamenda who toured Kabitaka housing project, a subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals in Solwezi yesterday, was not happy with the high rentals and school fees the mining firm is asking miners to pay.
The Labour minister said Kansanshi mine management should realize that its core business was mining adding that any extensions to the mining investment such as schools and housing units meant for social services should be subsidized in order for the miners to afford.
FQM charges K900 per month per pupil at Kabitaka School in Solwezi while it has pegged rentals for its low cost housings units between K1, 500 and K2, 500.
First Quantum minerals chairman Kingsley Chinkuli was at pains to explain to the minister the reasons for the high school fees and rentals.
Moreover there is GOLD,DIAMOND and URANIUM, those re expensive minerals and they re making money over our resources.
They re stealing double frm our pipo,they re taking our minerals and again they re also stealing frm our pipo thru school fees and rentals.bougers investors shame on u guys.Da time wil realiase ninshi all our resources re gone.Wake up GRZ PLZ,FQM re stealing double frm our pipo.
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