Irate vendors trading along Shoprite Kasama premises have accused the store manager, Joshua Museba of infringing on their rights.
The furious traders who stormed Radio Mano yesterday charged that the said Shoprite Kasama manager’s move to destroy their merchandize using his vehicle is tantamount to disregarding President Sata’s green light of allowing street vending.
They wondered why the Shoprite Store manager decided to destroy their fruits and vegetables when they pay levy to the council on a daily basis.
The vendors have since appealed to the office of the District Commissioner and Permanent Secretary to intervene in the matter.
And a cross section of Kasama residents has condemned Shoprite store manager; Joshua Museba for allegedly smashing merchandize for vendors outside the store premises using his vehicle.
The residents expressed their concerns during a live Radio Mano programme dubbed ‘Hot issues in your area’.
Meanwhile, Kasama District Commissioner Kalanga Bwalya has summoned Shoprite store manager; Joshua Museba for a meeting at his office at 14Hours today.
But when contacted for a comment, Shoprite Kasama store manager, Joshua Museba said he was too busy to respond to the issue.