NAREP urges MPs to set up an All Party Parliamentary Group for Corporate Social Responsibility

Chipimo with Mr. Pascal Nsokolo, NAREP International Coordinator
Chipimo with Mr. Pascal Nsokolo, NAREP International Coordinator

NAREP Head of International Relations Pascal Nsokolo has written to the Speaker of the National Assembly urging MPs to consider setting up an All Party Parliamentary Group for Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR). In his letter to Dr  Matibini, Nsokolo said that this group would help raise awareness on Corporate Social Responsibility with parliamentarians and also the role that the business community can potentially play to help address some of the social and economic challenges that we face as a nation, through their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.

He pointed out that he had already written to business leaders through their trade and professional bodies urging them to be socially useful and play their role in helping address societal issues. Nsokolo said NAREP recognises that the challenges we face as a nation cannot be addressed by government alone, therefore if elected at the next general election NAREP would set up a business led not-for-profit, now partisan charity to engage with the business community and coordinate their Corporate Responsibility efforts, by working together to address societal issues. The charity would request them to take action on priority issues by working together to create a greater impact which would make a real difference to our communities. He added that NAREP believes that through working together we can make a tangible difference to our country.

Nsokolo also pointed out that to ensure that there is total transparency and good governance the charity would also be responsible for promoting responsible business practices and that business leaders would be invited to serve as members of the board of trustees on a rotation basis.

Pascal Nsokolo is NAREP’s Head of International Relations