THE United Kingdom (UK) through the Department for International Development (DFID) last year provided K603 million worth of support to Zambia for the implementation of programmes aimed at reducing poverty and improving public service delivery.
DFID Zambia head of office, Kevin Quinlan said this is more than the K432 million that the donor partners gave the country in 2012 in form of direct budget support, financial aid, technical assistance to line ministries and grants to local and international non-governmental organisations.
“The UK Government recognises Zambia’s commitment to attaining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015, as well as alleviating extreme levels of poverty and hunger among the majority of its citizens with women and children being the worst affected.
“The Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) and Vision 2030 clearly outline priority development programmes and activities that Zambia is keen to undertake in order to promote national economic growth and stability, good governance and provision of quality basic social services,” Mr Quinlan said.
He said in a statement that from the K603 million, K1.2 million was given to the health sector for among other services, the provision of insecticide treated bed nets distributed house to house in Western and Central provinces.
Under sanitation and hygiene, 550,000 additional people were provided with access to improved sanitation while more than 2 million others were reached with hygiene promotion.
The grants allocated to the education sector, allowed an additional 16,500 children to be enrolled in primary education, while 2,440 others were enrolled in lower secondary education.
“We also helped 78,600 small-holder farmers have access to improved crop inputs and advice, which can improve yields and income and about 26,300 people, of which 10,500 are women, have access to new financial products,” he said.