Chilubi Council to kill stray dogs
Chilubi May 21, 2014, ZANIS…THE local authority in Chilubi district has issued a 90 day ultimatum to all dogs owners in the area in which to take their Dogs for vaccination or else risk them being killed by the authority.
ZANIS reports that Chilubi district council Secretary (SC) John Mwanza sounded a word of warning in an interview in Chilubi district yesterday.
Mr. Mwanza says a combined team of officers will soon start going round to kill all dogs that are not vaccinated in the district.
He said it is for this reason that his office is advising owners of such dogs to urgently take them for vaccination before there killed.
The SC further cautioned that whoever will fail to comply with this call in ninety days will risk their dogs being killed.
He said the exercise is not only going to emphasize on the importance of vaccination but to reducing rabies and other diseases caused by dogs.