FRA in Kaputa advised to employ youthful clerks

Food Reserve Agency (FRA)
Food Reserve Agency (FRA)

Kaputa District Commissioner (DC), Chrispine Kachusha, has urged the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to consider engaging young people during the recruitment of Depot Clerks in this year’s crop marketing season.
Mr Kachusha called on the agency to give an opportunity to the youths in the district, especially those that completed school, to empower them with money to go to colleges.
He noted that engaging school leavers as Depot Clerks will also serve as an empowering mechanism for them to raise money for school and other needs.
Meanwhile, the DC has warned that he will not allow the FRA to engage the same people who were recruited last year, saying this is encouraging laziness as people become relaxed, waiting for the same job every year.
Mr Kachusha said he has written to the FRA manager in Mansa over the issue, adding that he expects a positive response.
He said he expects the concern to be addressed soon before the commencement of the crop marketing season.
The DC explained that the recruitment of Depot Clerks should not be taken as a permanent job but as an avenue to advance themselves.
He advised that the recruitment should be rotational where different youths will be employed every year in the 17 satellites around the district.
The FRA is soon expected to open the 2014 crop marketing season where it will be buying crops from farmers.