Namwala father defiles daughter to multiply his cattle

Police arrest handcuffs arrested jail
Police arrest handcuffs

Police in Namwala also arrested a male Munyete Matengeta aged 47 years of village Musungwa of Itezhi tezhi district for having carnal knowledge of his biological daughter of the same address.

The incident took place between October last year and April this year.

Police in Namwala told ZANIS that the matter was reported to Namwala police by the uncle to the victim.

Facts of the case were that the suspect is believed to have had carnal knowledge of his daughter on the his belief that he multiplies the number of cattle.

This was after a local herbalist advised him to bath with charms and later sleep with his daughter in the middle of the kraal so that his cattle multiplies.

The suspect has since been charged with being found in possession with charms and having canal knowledge of his daughter .

The man has since appeared before Namwala magistrate court on two counts of incest and being in possession of charms.

Meanwhile Police in Namwala have detained Ndulwa Moombo aged 20 for defiling a young girl aged 8years of Mbeza area village Moombo of chief Nalubamba’s area of Namwala district.

The matter is believed to have occurred on 9th, May 2014 around 20:00 hrs in Mbeza and the suspect will soon appear before Namwala magistrate court.

And police in Namwala district have also detained two people for suspected house breaking.

The duo are suspected to have broken into a house in Baambwe village of chief Mukobela were they stole about k8000 into a house belonging to Precious Ndombe.