PRESIDENT Michael Sata has elevated veteran lawyer Mumba Kapumpa to the position of State Counsel.
The President has also appointed Audwin Dzikamunega from the Public Service Management Division (PSMD) technical services as the Chief Administrator of the judiciary.
Mr Sata congratulated the two appointees, who were sworn in at State House in Lusaka April 24th.
Speaking after being sworn in, Mr Kapumpa said his elevation to the position of State Counsel was a humbling honour which will allow him to offer legal counsel to both his individual clients and the state.
“I have been practising law since I was called to the bar in 1972. This is an honour that will allow me to join my senior colleagues in the legal fraternity to offer counsel,” Mr Kapumpa said.
He said the oath he swore to uphold meant that as State Counsel, he needed to carry himself in a manner befitting the position and promised to discharge his duties diligently.