1.1 million Zambians are HIV positive – NAC

World AIDS Day

About one million one hundred thousand (1, 100, 000) out of the thirteen million Zambians are living with HIV and AIDS, this is according to the current projection.

This came to light during a two and half day’s media symposium organized by the National Aids Council and UNDP at IBIS Gardens in Chisamba today.

National AIDS Council (NAC) Director of Programmes Dr. Harold Witola says in 2012, about thirty three thousand people died of HIV and AIDS.

Dr. Witola says about five hundred and thirty thousand people are on Antioretroviral therapy (ART) with more people targeted to access ART.

He says the mode of transmission as indicated in the 2009 survey have remained the same which include multiple and concurrent partners,low condom usage, marginalized groups such as prisons, mobility and migrant labour, mother to child transmission and low levels of male circumcision.

And speaking during the official opening of the symposium, NAC Acting Director General Elizabeth Choseni says NAC will continue to strive to attain the three zeros which are zero infections, zero deaths and zero stigma and discrimination.

Ms Choseni adds that NAC acknowledges the role mainstream media plays in disseminating information more especially HIV related and that this is why NAC and UNDP decided to hold an HIV media symposium.


  1. Wow! That’s a large number considering that our population is just slightly over 12m! Let’s be safe for the sake of our future generations.