Govt addressing youth challenges–Sata

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Govt addressing youth challenges–Sata

Lusaka, February 16, 2014, ZANIS……President Michael Sata says his
government will guarantee educational, skills training and employment
opportunities to youths because no country can attain its social and
economic development goals without the active participation of the

President Sata said his government is seeking to address some of the
challenges by using locally driven socio and economic initiatives
through the empowerment of Zambians while recognizing the important
role the donor community plays in complementing such initiatives.

The Head of State noted that his administration is seeking an
inclusive government and has opened doors to all stakeholders
including the youths in running the affairs of the state.

Mr. Sata stated on his face book page today that government is
committed and determined to come up with initiatives that are meant to
provide a framework and guiding principles for an informed and
effective support in the design, monitoring and evaluation of policies
and programmes that will promote productive and job-rich growth for
the Zambian youth.

The President stressed that the Patriotic Front government wants in
the next five years to design and include youth employment strategies
in national development frameworks, improve the livelihoods and
employability for the youth and establish sustainable political will,
leadership and technical capacity for achieving results on youth
employment creation.

President Sata quoted Proverbs 13: 22: which says  "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,

but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous," I reference to strategies that his government intends to put in place

to achieve youth employment creation.

"Zambian youths are enjoying their rights and freedoms but they also
need to reflect on their obligations, responsibility and contribution
towards national development. This is also a challenge to every
Zambian youth to tell the nation of what has been their personal
contribution to self and national development," stated President Sata.

He challenged the young people in Zambia to critically look at
themselves and find out whether they are part of society’s problems or
part of solutions to society’s problems.

He noted that it is time for a paradigm shift and repositioning of the
youths in an effort to contribute positively to national development.