GOVERNMENT says the Link Zambia 8,000 road project is line with the consolidated infrastructure development programme adopted by the commission on infrastructure and energy of the African Union (AU).
Minister of Works, Supply, Communications and Transport, Yamfwa Mukanga told journalists here yesterday that there is need for a well-coordinated infrastructure development programme for highways and information and communication technologies (ICTs) to form distinct corridors.
“We need a big programme for highways and ICT to be coordinated in such a manner that we will be talking about distinct corridors rather than having a situation where we have fragmented development in various countries. So whenever people are thinking of development in other countries. They should look at what their neighbours are doing to ensure that they join in so that we can have this big consolidated programme which we will be following,” he said
Mr Mukanga, who is chairperson of the ministerial sectoral group on ICT, expressed happiness that the Link Zambia 8,000 will make the consolidated infrastructure development programme easy when all the provinces and borders are connected by road infrastructure.
“We will link the outlets to the various countries and it will be like we have planned so well and everyone else will be able to link in our programmes,”Mr Mukanga sid
He also said the ministers will be discussing the roadmap for this year in terms of infrastructure development.
On the railway network, Mr Mukanga said Zambia’s portion is to connect the Mchinji-Chipata rail to the Tanzania-Zambia Railway (TAZARA), which is part of the Nacala corridor
“When we talk about the Northern corridor from Nakonde to Dar-es-Salaam, we should think of how we can plan when 2040 and 2060
comes because if you look at the map itself of infrastructure development, Zambia becomes a hub in terms of the transport sector and also the railway and road sectors, we should have this consolidated programme,” Mr Mukanga said.