Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda Bwalya has implored youths across the country to take advantage of President Michael Sata’s face-book page to air out their grievances.
Mr. Bwalya says the Head of State is passionate about the well-being of the youths adding that Youths across the country use the platform wisely and not as a tool to settle personal or political scores.
He further notes that Youths should not be used by politicians but instead spend time interacting with the Head of State thereby airing out their views and concerns to be heard and worked upon.
He notes therefore that the page is not sidelined to the Patriotic Front (PF) only but the entire Nation.
We here they want to be ‘tapping’ and hacking our links with their obsession for zambian watchdog when LIKE his page
Let the president open the friend requests
Says who?Gorge Chellah?Give me break!!!Press briefing is more effective.You don’t respond to people’s concerns on the facebook page…
In what way? Its not like when comment on a status he will give you a job.