Kaputa District Commissioner, Chrispine Kachusha has called for a multi-sectoral approach towards the implementation of the first 1,000 most critical days programme for infants.
Mr. Kachusha observed that the isssue of nutrition is cross cutting and should therefore be approached in a multi-sectoral way as it was the only way the district was going to contain malnutrition and its manifestation.
He has since called on stakeholders to update the progress made towards accelerating the implementation of the first 1,000 most critical days.
The DC has also called on the stakeholders to revise the district nutrition multisectoral work plan against the interventions guidelines of the first 1000 most critical days minimum package.
Mr. Kachusha said this when he officiated at the On-site Learning Workshop for Kaputa District Multisectoral Nutrition Committee in Kaputa yesterday.
He implored the District Nutrition Coordinating Committee to devise a road map that will help them access funding for the programme.
The DC has also asked the committee to avail the plan with members of the District Development Coordination Committee (DDCC) once it is finalized for them to endorse and support the programme.
Meanwhile, Head of Public Health and Community Nutrition from the National Food and Nutrition Commission, Freddie Mubanga assured the DC that the task Force will produce a workable plan that will be able to source for funding towards its implementation.
Mr. Mubanga has further appealed to the DC and the DDCC to support the programme in its implementation.