Opposition National Restoration party (NAREP) President Elias Chipimo says it is too dangerous to suggest that government takes over the running of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM)in view of the company’s decision to lay off over 1,500 workers.
Mr. Chipimo has told QFM News in an interview that things might get worse than the current situation is at the mine if government continues to interfere.
Mr. Chipimo has advised government to sit down with key stakeholders and see how best they can improve the operations at KCM.
He notes that the PF government has no money and capacity to take over the operations of KCM.
Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) President Chishimba Nkole has suggested that government takes over KCM until it finds a suitable investor to run the mine.
Take a look into other countries where government goes beyond regulating the economy but actively takes over.
Who thinks Zambia’s recent success and praise from people like Ambassador Finke is based on direct interference by government in the economy.
I don’t!
hope a decision which will be reached will be based on business and not political.not just for short term but it must be of benefit for a long tym.if gvt take over,am afraid coz of alleged corruptions allegation to which our VP Mr Scott affirmed.it can be a disaster but again i wish it can be success.but i doubt it can be success if gvt takes over.if gvt takes over we can reach a point were we may subsidize the operations of the mine when our budget is too tight.