Ms Kapata, who has petitioned President Sata and the central committee to discipline Mr Kabimba over, among other issues, his assertions that there were tribal elements in the party, said that some media reports had a gross distortion on the meeting.
The Post newspaper yesterday ran a story under the headline ‘Sata refuses to discuss Wynter petition at PF CC’ in which it said the President refused to table Mr Kabimba’s issue.
Ms Kapata, who is Community Development Mother and Child deputy minister, said the article did not reflect the truth, the spirit and content of the discussions held and had been twisted to suit a known agenda.
Ms Kapata said she could not delve into details of the meeting or disclose the essence of the discussions.
“However, in light of the distortions and twisted facts, it is important to state that at matters arising many members of the central committee urged President Sata to help resolve the divisions that have rocked the party and also the petitions raised against the secretary general,” she said.
Ms Kapata said President Sata assured members that the matter would be resolved soon and as President, he would communicate the decision publicly.
“With this assurance, many members were satisfied that this matter would be resolved and the sad chapter it has created in our party would soon pass,” she said.
Ms Kapata said it was the desire of all that the matter should be resolved so that the party could be united and concentrate on its resolve to deliver on its mandate.
She appealed to the media to help the country by reporting on national matters factually, accurately and truthfully so that it could help build and unite the country and not preoccupy itself with the pursuit of private agendas.
Den wat dd he do?