THE energetic and entertaining duo of Kent and Rex Singoyi, collectively known as Organized Family will seek to next weekend; continue its ‘love affair’ with neighbouring country Malawi.
The duo is one of the few Zambian artistes with unquestionable popularity in that country. Others are Danny and Dalisoul.
Next Saturday however, the Organized Family who just recently were in South Africa where they did not only have performances but also had video shoots for songs on their latest ‘Basket’ album will date Chez Ntemba, Melrose.
The show which is dubbed “Malawi vs. Zambia” will see the Zambian duo perform alongside Malawi’s Wendy Harawa.
The show is being organised by HSM Entertainment of Malawi.
Supporting artistes will be the likes of Crismod, DJ Lomwe, Joe Dassin Makombo, among others.
Meanwhile, the Organized Family have disclosed that they will commit ten percent of their album sales to sales.
The duo whose recent album, ‘Basket’ is doing quite well on the local charts recently launched the 1+1 Foundation, an initiative aimed at encouraging boys and girls to go to school.
“Its main aim is to make sure that children go to school with or without the help from their parents,” said Orga Kent.
Kent also disclosed that their first task was to “fight malaria in order to create a health learning environment” for the children.
The duo has since partnered with the National Malaria Control Centre and will be distributing mosquito nets to children at a date to be announced.