Govt. appreciates its partners in improved service delivery
Kasama, June, 20/2013, ZANIS — -KASAMA District Commissioner (DC) Kalanga Bwalya says Government appreciates cooperating partners efforts in improving service delivery to better the welfare of Communities.
Mr. Bwalya says government’s burdens of service delivery become a relief when Nongovernmental Organisations (NGOs) help in provision of quality service to Communities.
The District Commissioner appealed to Finance Bank and World Vision to not only provide water but also help in the construction of roads and other necessary services that are key to human wellbeing in society.
ZANIS reports that Mr. Bwalya said this during the official hand over of a Mukango bore hole to Mwimbwe Community in Kasama yesterday constructed by Finance Bank Kasama Branch and World Vision.
He said the demonstration of World Vision and Finance bank should be emulated by all other business organisations and corporate partners in accomplishing social Responsibility to communities.
He added that World Vision is one of few NGOs operating in Kasama complementing Government’s efforts in bringing development to rural communities through drilling of 15 new and the rehabilitation of ten boreholes.
The DC also said the inclusion of Finance Bank, SNV and Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) for servicing communities in Kasama is greatly saluted by Government urging to continue.
Meanwhile, Kasama Finance Bank Branch Manager Ferdinand Hamunjila says his Bank is aware of the plight across Zambia and the whole world for the need of clean fresh drinking water to the people.
Mr. Hamunjila expressed happiness for being provided an opportunity through Corporate Social responsibility initiative to give back to the communities where they work to contribute towards promotion of good health and wellbeing of communities.
He pointed out that in 2012 Finance Bank Zambia committed itself in undertaking projects and initiatives to benefit the vulnerable and less privileged in society in order to uplift their living standards.
Mr. Hamunjila said the water bore hole to Mwimbwe Community will reduce the distances of family water collection by women and girls who are mostly burdened.
And World Vision Programme Manager Victor Simuchimba revealed that his organisation has recently drilled 11 water bore holes in 11 districts of the nation and cherishes the joint venture to better people’s lives.
Mr. Simuchimba noted that the joint initiative between Finance Bank Zambia and World Vision Zambia should be strongly supported as such efforts are easily implemented.
He urged Mwimbwe Community to take care and guard jealously the operations of the bore hole and ensure that people observe maximum hygiene to sustain good health of the whole community.
Mr. Simuchimba hailed various and Government departments for providing technical and policy guidelines to enable World Vision to maintain required standards of service delivery.