Masumba calls for improved in sports infrastructure

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—Youth and Sport Deputy Minister, Stephen Masumba, has called on mining companies in North-western Province to contribute towards the improvement of sports infrastructure in an effort to boost different sporting activities in the country.

Masumba said it is disappointing to talk about sports infrastructure in the province because all previous governments did not work towards developing the sector.

He told ZANIS in Kasempa that government plans to engage mining companies in the province to improve spots infrastructure which posed a challenge to the success of sports in future.

And Kasempa Day Secondary School head teacher, Hampten Moonga, said pupils in the district fail to compete in different sporting activities due to lack of proper equipment.

Moonga disclosed that poor sporting infrastructure in the province has contributed to some districts failing to compete on national level as evidenced by Kasempa district having only one basketball court.

He further appealed to government to concentrate on improving infrastructure in the sports sector in order to tap talent from   rural areas.