ZDDM wants RDA autonomy

Road Development Agency

The Zambia Direct Democracy Movement – ZDDM has  demanded for the immediate restoration of the Road Development Agency (RDA) to its original state.


ZDDM party president Edwin Sakala said leaving the agency to be under state house will be prone to political manipulation.


Mr. Sakala said this in a press statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka on May 30th.


He said the institution should be left to operate independently and perform to the expectation of the people.


“The fear we have at the moment is that, for as long as it remains under the office of the president it will not be accountable to the people but to the president himself”, Mr. Sakala said.


Mr. Sakala alleged that the demand for the restoration of the RDA is premised on the fact that there could be no transparency in the way tenders are  awarded to Chinese contractors.


He further alleged that people with information on how the abuse is taking place could not raise a complaint against the State claiming that at the moment the Head of State is the most powerful person in the land.


He added that RDA should be able to operate in a transparent manner to the satisfaction of the people and that this can only be done if the institution is reverted to its old status.