The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has embarked on an exercise of constructing more public toilets in Lusaka’s central business district.
Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka, LCC Public Relations Officer Henry Kapata said the project was meant to deal with the problem of people urinating in drainages and in the streets of Lusaka.
Mr. Kapata said the exercise is expected to be completed by June this year.
He however said there was need to sensitize the public on the disadvantages of urinating on the streets if the problem was to be eradicated.
Mr. Kapata said currently, the council was putting up public toilets at four places in the central business district.
He added that more toilets will be constructed once other places are identified and funds are made available.
He also revealed that the council has received proposals from business entities on where the LCC can put up parking slots.