Govt. urged to ensure that museums become centers for learning

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Govt. urged to ensure that museums become centers for learning


Livingstone, May, 18, ZANIS….. Government says it is committed to ensure that museums become centers of creativity to stimulate both informal and formal learning.


Livingstone District Commissioner Mr. Omar Musanje said government will continue to support and establish museums across the country as recognizes the role that the institutions play in maintaining a conscious past and promotion of creativity for sustainable development.


ZANIS reports from Livingstone that Mr. Musanje said this when he officiated  at the commemoration of the international Day of Museums today. The celebrations were held under the theme, “Museums (Memories and Creativity) = Social Change.”


Mr.  Musanje said museums have   since inceptions in 1934 continued to protect and conserve the country’s heritage for education, enjoyment and posterity.


He pointed out that the government recognizes early childhood education as part of policy direction in the education sector of which museums play an important role in shaping the social and intellectual growth of children through art.


“The government through various ministries is committed to make museum as centers of creativity and exchange of knowledge   in order to transform society constructively and achieve sustainable development,” said Mr. Musanje.


“In addition, Museums highlight the universal nature of the significant institutions such as schools and other organizations dealing with vulnerable children and their positive impact to society through creative art”.


The Commissioner explained that as repository of different cultures, creativity Museums are therefore, witness to progressive and dynamic change that has taken place at different levels of societal development.


Mr. Musanje said government will continue to use cultural institutions like museums to conduct research in the fields of ethnography and art in order to foster national agenda for development.


He also observed that museums have also witnessed challenges of social change on all areas of human endevour which have impacted on the ways of life of the people in terms of technology, economy, spiritual and other social developments..


Mr.Musanje also emphasised the need to increase the size and collection of national arts in the country.


“ I must emphasise that the value put on the visual arts and the size of the national arts collections have remained negligible compared to what is desired in the country.


“ And in order to address this imbalance there is need to create arts exhibitions in museums to leave indelible marks on the minds of adults and children alike,” observed Mr. Musanje.


And Livingstone Museum Director Mr. Chipo Simuchembe said the international museums Day provides an opportunity for museums professionals to meet members of the public and alert them of challenges the institutions face.


He envisaged that the co-hosting for the United Nations World Tourism General Assembly (UWTO) in August this year would accord delegates the opportunity to sample the country’s unique rich cultural heritage.