The well renowned Kuomboa Ceremony, which celebrates the move of the Litunga, King of the Lozi people from his home at Lealui on the Barotse Floodplain to Limulunga, the Highland Palace will take place on Saturday 20 April 2013.
Proflight is putting on a special flight for those wanting to attend this amazing ceremony.
Saturday 20 April
Depart Lusaka: 06:30 hrs Arrive Mongu 07:55 hrs
Depart Mongu: 17:30 hrs Arrive Lusaka 18:55 hrs
Price: K2,500 pp inclusive return flight Lusaka/ Mongu and all taxes
To book please go to and book on line and pay by credit or debit card or contact your favourite travel agent or one of Proflight’s 12 offices countrywide.
For agents booking in the blue screen the code for ‘Mongu’ is ‘MNR’ and the flight numbers are P0 0500 Lusaka- Mongu and P0 0501 Mongu- Lusaka.
For more information please call Reservations on 0977 335563 or 845944