ZESCO to end unplanned load-shedding by Wednesday

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The Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) has disclosed that the country will experience reduced load shedding in the next two days when repair works on the Kariba North bank power station are completed.


Late last month, Kariba North bank power station experienced a mechanical failure while Unit five (5) at Kafue Gorge power station was also undergoing repair works after developing a fault.


ZESCO Principal Public Relations Officer Yammie Zimba told ZANIS in Lusaka today that the power utility company was working tirelessly to rectify the faulty machines.


Ms. Zimba said Unit Four (4) at Kariba North station, which is being repaired, was expected to resume running this Wednesday.


She urged customers to take responsibility by switching off unnecessary loads such as geysers and lighting when not needed for use.


Ms. Zimba attributed the recent intermittent power supply in the country to failure of large generating units at the two power stations.


She explained that the thrust bearing failed on unit 5 at Kafue Gorge while the combined bearing top cover bolts got snapped at unit 4 at Kariba North Bank Power Station thereby leading to the downtime of the two machines.


She added that this subsequently led to a flat deficit of 345 Mega Watts (MW) as opposed to about 70 MW deficit at peak time when all the machines are operating at full capacity.

Ms. Zimba has since assured the country that there will be reduced load-shedding now that the machine at Kafue was operational and the other at Kariba will soon be running.


Recently, ZESCO apologised to the nation for the unplanned load shedding of electricity which was a result of mechanic failures at Kafue Gorge and Kariba North Bank respectively.