POVERTY - Cedit The Zambian Voice
POVERTY - Cedit The Zambian Voice

When I was growing up, I never bothered about celebrating birthdays, it was enough to pray and thank God for my life, until I met the mother of my two blood children, even though I have seven entitled to my heritage.

With the coming of social media, I feel my birthday is reflected by many more people than just those close to me and I want to acknowledge your participation and love by opening up to you what is in my mind today.

The first thought that comes to my mind when I think of my birthday, is death. My realization of my being alive, makes me think of also being dead. Thank God I am alive otherwise I could be dead today.

Through my work I have stepped on many people’s feelings, sometimes I have been wrong, other times I have been right. I can only ask for forgiveness to those I have hurt wrongly, because they had done nothing wrong albeit me accusing them.

But I have no regret whatsoever for all those that I have called corrupt or criminal if indeed they did something wrong regardless of them not being arrested or the court not finding them guilty.

Courts are the conscience of society but not mine.

Some of those people I have accused in the open have at times threatened my life, but death is the lest of my worries, because I believe it is just a passage from one life to the next and we go when God decides.

For me, poverty is the greatest punishment or injustice you can give to another person. When you are poor you can’t be happy because your inner being is not at rest as you struggle to get out of your situation.

Take note that poverty is not only the lack of material things but those things which make you whole as a person. It is for this reason that I have stood to help even some of the richest of our society when I felt they lacked something which could make them happy.

My greatest fulfillment has been to participate in the life of the poor of various forms. I always feel happy when I think of myself having helped anyone from GBM down to the little child on the streets.

The greatest insult was when one of my rich friends told me that, I he did not need anything from me supposedly because he has money that he thinks can never finish. I believe we all have something to offer to others no matter who we are.

Today, the richest of our society are going in the most remote areas of our poor people to beg them for their approval through their vote when they have never needed them all this time.

One way or the other we all have something to offer, the problem is we do not know our worth and that is why we bow to our fellow human beings when we should only bow to God who holds our lives and provide for us in His own way.

My greatest struggle last year has been to communicate or express what I stand for – which is love and truth.

Many people want to identify me in a political spectrum when I insist that I am not a politician but I work with politics.

I have no allegiance to any political party but I will support any party that is appealing to me to sort out poverty.

My greatest lesson this year has been never to trust a politician but be trustworthy is you have to become one.

To many, I have only loved them or spoken the truth when I have said what is pleasing to them. Other friends I had have even abandoned me because I said what I perceived to be true. I miss the jokes I used to have with friends like Richard Sakala but I stand by all what I have said in relation many thing around us.

The most treacherous and selfish man I have come across during my last year is this man in Kabwata, who I believe he uses people (including me) to his advantage and dumps them when he does not need them.

My greatest achievement this year has been to relate with most of you friends here and all your comments including the bad ones. Out of your bad comments you made me grow in tolerance and patience.

I got my greatest love from my children while my greatest friendship has come from the man I cannot mention here, but he has been an all whether friend, supporter and counselor.

My greatest thanks goes to all of you interact with, even those that do not comment but read what I write including this article.

The Zambian Voice – Chilufya Tayali
POVERTY – Picture Credit The Zambian Voice