Good Morning Dear Friends,

Last week, the First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba was in Kalomo, Southern Province to launch a pilot training project to train Headmen and Community Leaders in curbing Gender Based Violence [GBV]. I would like to sincerely thank Chief Chikanta and other traditional leaders in Southern Province for standing out in championing issues affecting our mothers and the girl child.
Indeed, there is need for our country’s criminal justice system to be equal to the task of fighting GBV to ensure citizens enjoy their freedoms and rights. As President, I would like to call for enhanced and effective partnerships in the fight against GBV, which should go beyond political affiliations or any other social or religious inclinations.
Protecting and defending our mothers and the girl child is our responsibility as men and leaders; and we should all endeavour to play a significant role in ensuring that this task is achieved. GBV is a gross human right violation and must be STOPPED. MCS- 10/03/14