Forestry department to restructure

Wylbur Simuusa
Wylbur Simuusa
Wylbur Simuusa
Wylbur Simuusa

GOVERNMENT to restructure the forestry department to improve its capacity and efficiency and implement sustainable forest management programs.

During the environmental lunch for the Finish ministers, Lands, Natural resources and Environmental protection minister Wylbur Simuusa disclosed that government is actively investing in solar power, mini grids, Thermal and hydro power development as a means of reducing the high dependence on wood fuel.

“We are endeavoring to connect as many rural areas as possible to the national grid, through the rural electrification program, we are also in the process of finalizing the review and enactment,” said Simuusa.

He said Zambia needs this technology transfer and cannot afford to lag behind.

“We need to mainstream clean mechanism in our development process especially at this time where issues of climate change are of paramount importance,” said Simuusa.

Simuusa urged that they all should be mindful of the fact that forests in Zambia provide livelihoods support to the majority of the Zambian people, especially charcoal which is one of the forest product that many people are involved in either as producers, wholesalers, retailers or consumers.


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